How To Get Your South Carolina Real Estate License
There are a number of tasks involved, but Premier School of Real Estate will be there with you every step of the way. When you enroll with us, the classroom portion is a big part of what you’ll do, sure. But… if you need help with any of the other stuff, including interacting with the South Carolina Real Estate Commission, we’ll help. We’ve been doing this since 2006. We know the Commission well, and we’re on a first name basis with folks there.
Course Details
Richard Sander, Grady Thomas and guest speakers
90 Hours
Classroom or Online
Steps To Get Your License
Step 1 - Classroom Learning (Unit 1 and Unit 2)
Unit 1 – The Fundamentals of Real Estate – will give you the knowledge and skills to pass the South Carolina Real Estate License Exam. Topics covered include property law, finance, marketing and ethics. This 60-hour course includes several guest expert speakers who are thought leaders in their field.
Unit 2 – Advanced Real Estate Principles – this is where the rubber meets the road. This 30-hour course covers the important stuff: how to get your first client, how to develop a CMA, how to write up an offer, etc.
Step 2 - Apply For Your License
You’ll complete a formal application to the South Carolina Real Estate Commission (SCREC) and pay a fee for your license. If needed, we will help you with your application.
Step 3 - Complete Your Background Check
You’ll complete an application for a criminal background check and fingerprints through a third party. Once completed and reviewed by SCREC, they will let you know that your application and background check are approved, and you’re ready for Step 4.
Step 4 - Take Your State License Examination
You’ll schedule, pay for and take your license exam through PSI, a third-party testing company.
Step 5 - Affiliate With A Broker-In-Charge
Before they will issue your license, the SCREC wants to know who is supervising your real estate activities. You’ll submit a form telling them with whom you’re going to affiliate.
Step 6 - Putting It All Together
The Real Estate Commission will review all of the parts of the puzzle: did you successfully complete your 90 hours of class? Did you pass the background check? Did you pass the license exam? Have you affiliated with a Broker-In-Charge? If the answer to all of these questions is YES! then you will receive your license to practice Real Estate in South Carolina!